Monday 30 November 2015

Using a number line to solve difference problems


  1. Hi Jack
    Great you finally got an Explain Everything on your blog. I'd like to see your google slide on your blog as it has more information. Not sure what went on with the video but it's very short and has no talking with you explaining how you solved the problems. Who could you talk to so you get this sorted and have your next digital learning object done at the same time as others in the class?

  2. Hi Jack
    Good to see that you have posted a video on your learning. I would have liked to hear you discussing your explanation so that I could tell you have the understanding of how you solved your problems.
    Using your device effectively at school is a learning curve and will help you with your classroom learning. If you aren't sure about what to do ASK for help from those in the class who are able and then work hard to catch up.

  3. Hi Jack,
    I like the way you have attempted an Explain Everything. I couldn't read your video and I wasn't sure what you were learning or how you solved the problem. Next time, you are working to create a DLO you need to consider how it shows your learning and how it will help others with their learning.

  4. sorry not all of the vid was posted i will try it again

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.
