Monday, 27 February 2017

Tikanga Kotahitanga word meaning

Kotahitanga unity working together if there was no unity there would be war against everyone and the world would turn into chaos with unity everyone can live in peace.Image result for unity

Tikanga Maori Carving

Carving is a way of telling a story, Maori would go out into the forest and find fallen down trees and take them to their village and carve a story because there was no written Maori language, they used green stone tools and slowly a story was made. Now days people go out in boats with big barrels and when the tide is low they attached the barrels to a dead tree that has fallen over and slid down into the river and and when the tide comes in the log floats and then the carver comes and takes the log to the carving stall and they strip it back to the core and use power tools and carve a story or make art.

 Image result for maori art carving

Tikanga Hine-nui-te-po

Image result for Hine-nui-te-poHine-nui-te-po

is a goddess of night and death and the ruler of the underworld in Māori mythology. She is a daughter of Tāne.