Sunday, 31 July 2016

Monday, 25 July 2016

My and Emily's maths video

My holiday story

I went to takaka in the holidays to see my Nana, but when we where driving there on the side of the road. I saw two wild pigs there was a female and a little male. There was pig rooting all on the side of the road.The next day we went to nelson to get new shoes for me.But on the way back there was a chicken on the road. An  ather car went on our side of the road and hit it on purpose there were feathers everywhere. We were very scared my Dad was very mad.But the good thing is we didn't crash.    

Sunday, 24 July 2016

My Holiday

In the school holidays a lot of things went on like we traded our 4 seater ute for a 5 seater with a lap belt in the middle but then we saw a even beater ute that had a setbelt in the middle more horse power and it is an automatic and traded the ather ute for that ute and then we traded our second farm ute for bigger ute.